The freedom of the press is a debate on which learned scholars have written and spoken in clear words since the birth of Pakistan and successive governments doctorial or elected have tried to curb the press, one way or the other. In reality, the Pakistani nation has never tasted the real freedom of the press. […]
Media and its responsibilities
Freedom of press is a debate on which learned scholars have written and spoken in clear words since the birth of Pakistan and successive governments doctorial or elected have tried to curb the press one way or the other and in reality Pakistani nation has never tasted the real freedom of press, unfortunately our press […]
Respect the qawwali
Qawwali is purely an Islamic devotional musical recitation of Sufi traditions, in which verses are recited in praise of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), his companions and the Sufis of Islam who devoted their entire life in spreading the message of Allah, living a simple life with just one aim to convey the […]
Adulteration in Urdu
Socrates said centuries back, “The misuse of language induces evil in the soul,” and it stands true even today, but our electronic media is bend upon misusing Urdu and every day be that a talk show or a drama we come across many such instances and words which brutally destroy the very fabric of the […]