The joint statement after the visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan to China explicitly explains the depth and strength of the bilateral relationship between Pakistan and China. Both countries showed a strong resolve to work together and protect the core interests of each other. Pakistan reiterated its commitment to the core interests of China, including One China Policy, Xinjiang, Tibet, and SouthChina Sea. China categorically assured Pakistan to stand by to protect the vital interests of Pakistan. China reaffirmed that China will continue to support Pakistan to safeguard its sovereignty, independence, and security. China will also support, to achieve the goals of socio-economic development and prosperity. These are the five areas, where Pakistan is facing challenges at present.
On the sovereignty and security side, Pakistan is combating a multifaceted war. The enemies of Pakistan have launched a hybrid war, which comprises soft and hard elements. On the hard side, the enemies have unleashed terrorists. Terrorism is being promoted in the names of religious extremism, ethnicity, subnational pride, etc. In the recent months, Pakistan witnessed a series of terrorist attacks. The most disturbing part is that sub-national groups are targeting the sovereignty and ideology of the country. Sub-national terrorists are igniting the emotions of innocent people and exploiting them. Religious extremists have their agenda and trying to exploit the religious sentiments of the common citizens. On the soft side, the enemies of Pakistan have launched negative propaganda and smear campaign against Pakistan, institutions, and core interests of the country. They are exploiting principles of freedom of speech, human rights, and freedom of media for their nefarious agenda. They have launched different so-called training programs in these areas. To counter the hybrid war, China has extended its hand of cooperation in the areas of defense and security, which has been unambiguously mentioned in the joint statement.
On the economic and development side, Pakistan is going through the worst phase of its economic history. Economic and development indicators are not encouraging at all. In addition to that, Pakistan has been entangled in a debt trap by global financial and economic institutions like the IMF, World Bank, Paris Club, ADB, etc. Now, Pakistan is struggling to find a way out. Pakistan is putting all efforts to tackle issues of domestic economy and debt trap. In these circumstances, the mCPEC is an excellent opportunity for Pakistan. It is a comprehensive program, which includes all essential ingredients of economic growth, development, and prosperity. The list of areas for cooperation is lengthy, which includes economy, infrastructure, energy, agriculture tourism, science, technology, etc. The inclusion of ingredients of the fourth industrial revolution makes it a perfect program. During the visit of PM, Chinese companies have also signed several MoUs in diverse fields including Low Carbon Recycling Park (US$ 4.5 billion, 40000 jobs), Coastal Comprehensive Development Zone (US$ 3.8 billion), and agriculture science and technology center, etc. To foster industrial cooperation, both countries had also signed the Framework Agreement on Industrial Cooperation. Joint statement stressed to further enhance cooperation under the CPEC.
Sub-national terrorists are igniting the emotions of innocent people and exploiting them.
However, to benefit from these CPEC-related opportunities, Pakistan will have to act promptly and according to the need of the time. The present setup does not allow us to move quickly. Thus, there is a need to overhaul the system of governance and business environment to exploit the full potential of CPEC. There can be many ways, but the best possible way will be to centralise CPEC-related activities in one place. For that purpose, Pakistan will have to redesign and strengthen the CPEC Authority. There is the second opinion that in the past, the CPEC Authority played a formidable role to streamline processes, and now the government is enjoying the dividend of those efforts. Despite, the fact that the CPEC Authority does not have powers to implement but it is delivered, especially during COVID-19. Building on the past success and role, it is suggested to strengthen the CPEC Authority to foster the implementation of CPEC related programs.
First of all, Pakistan should bring all work related to CPEC business or investment initiatives under the authority. Second, CPEC Authority must have decision power of the allotment of land, registration of the business company, getting services like electricity, construction permits, contract enforcement, etc. The representatives of relevant departments must be deputed under the authority to smoothen the process. Third, the tax system for the CPEC related investment must be simplified and create one window for collection. The provincial government should also place their respective staff under the CPEC Authority. Fourth, there is a need to create a dedicated window for security awareness and engagement. It would be a good idea to make the business community a partner in ensuring security.
Fifth, the government must depute a strong figure to steer the processes of the CPEC Authority. The head of Authority must be answerable to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He must be equal to Federal Minister and have the power to make and execute decisions under the direct guidance and supervision of the Prime Minister. Moreover, the CPEC Authority must be run by the true experts of the Chinese system. The staff must have a deep understanding of the Chinese international relation theory and principles, governance and political system, development systems, and business structure and governance.
Furthermore, there must be a strong and authoritative monitoring and evaluation committee to evaluate the work of the CPEC Authority. For that purpose, a high-profile M&E committee should be constituted. According to the current situation and ground realities we suggest, the M&E committee should be comprised of heads of five major political parties, services chiefs, chief justice, and headed by Prime Minister of Pakistan. The composition of the committee has been proposed by keeping in mind the diversity of CPEC programs. M&E must meet once a year to review the progress of CPEC programs, the performance of the CPEC Authority and make required decisions. It is direly needed. It will help to solve multiple issues. For example, it will put a full stop to political games and point-scoring. It will also help to tackle issues of propaganda comprehensively. Lastly, it will ensure the timely implementation of programs.
In the conclusion, Pakistan needs to understand and comprehend that without reforming the governance and business environment, we cannot overcome the challenges. It does not matter of choice, it is a need of the time and Pakistan must have to act now. We need to learn to move our hands by keeping silent. Pakistan must recognise that it is time to deliver on-ground not speeches at the podium.
The writer is a political economist.