Prime Minister Imran Khan stated on Monday that to tackle Karachi’s problems, the federal and Sindh governments must work together and put aside political rivalries.

The prime minister expressed these views during the groundbreaking ceremony of the much-anticipated Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) project, officially kicked off on Monday by Prime Minister Imran Khan in Karachi Division.
“Because everything is interconnected, we’ll have to work together. The province government must fully cooperate with us on everything. There are several things the federal government cannot accomplish on its own, and there are many things the Sindh government cannot do on its own without the cooperation of federal government,” Imran Khan said adding, “Although we have different political views, we must come together in Karachi for the good of the country and the province as a whole.”
The PM stated that the transportation system is critical to a country’s development and that KCR is an important step in that direction. “Karachi’s second-biggest issue is a lack of water. Hopefully, the K-4 project will be able to help with this problem,” he continued, adding that every country has a city that leads its wealth and expansion, and Karachi is that city for Pakistan.
The PM went on to say that the project would bring in money, create jobs, and relieve stress in Karachi.
KCR Route map: It may be recalled that in order to connect residential, industrial, and office districts, the KCR will build 30 stations across the city. Around 29 km long at a cost of Rs. 207 billion, the project will be completed in 3 years, KCR will have 4 coaches in which more than 800 passengers will be able to travel. The circular railway is being expanded and modernised in accordance with the federal government’s vision in addition to being rehabilitated.
The prime minister also urged Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to rethink the Bundal Island Project during his speech.
“This is good news for Sindh. It will generate revenue, create jobs, and ease the strain on Karachi “It would be more difficult to provide amenities to residents as the city grows, he added.
“There is a lot of pressure on our cities right now. They will be unsustainable if we don’t make preparations now.”