Humans are curious creatures who have the mighty ability to question and reason. Since the dawn of this specie, it has been searching for answers to everything that is encountered or observed, craving for the true answer of the impending, ‘Why?’ Basically, the quench to this thirst is what we call science.
Take away science and at this very instant, we will find ourselves no different than all other animals. Science, in a way, is what that differentiates us from the other forms of life on earth. In the same way, it draws the lines between different countries, a nation’s power, strength and might over the globe. This is an angle that we must see to come up with an answer to the problems of the Muslim Ummah.
We all, including me, boost of past glory of Muslims and laugh over the dark ages which once infiltrated the streets of Europe. But now times have changed and we as a nation are at the lowest peak of our history. People will argue that it is because we have stopped following the golden principles of Islam. True, but if we compare ourselves with our ancestors, who come from the medieval age, (I will not compare ourselves with Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) companions), the opaque idea that I am trying to convey will become more clear. The religious moral of the medieval Muslims, no doubt, were better than ours but during those ages Muslim outshined others because they were prominent leaders in the field of science.
Ab? al-?asan ibn ?Al? al-Qala??d?, the pioneer of symbolic algebra, Ab? ?Al? al-?asan ibn al-?asan ibn al-Haytham, the father of optics, Ab? Ray??n Mu?ammad ibn A?mad Al-B?r?n?, the pioneer of experimental mechanics, Bad?? az-Zaman Ab? l-?Izz Ism???l ibn ar-Raz?z al-Jazar?, father of robotics, Ab? Ray??n Mu?ammad ibn A?mad Al-B?r?n?, father of geodesy and many more, were and are the crown jewels of Muslims. Baghdad, the city of learning, is something that we are all proud of. However, in this era the tables have turned over and “True” glory has sought itself in the hands of the western world.
One may argue that military and economic might defines the greatness of a nation. Yes, it’s true but if we dig into the roots, we find the trunk to be in science. Let us take Pakistan as an example. Pakistan claims to be an agro based economy but almost negligible research is being done on seeds and fertilizers. Pakistan boosts of its textile industry but all related machinery is being imported. We are proud of our army but most of the equipment is imported also. Pakistan’s economy is shrinking and we top all the negative indicators that term a country as successful.
Let us look on the statistics of scientists in Pakistan. We have produced a single noble award winner in seven decades. On the other hand, America, a super power, has countless scientists that are pioneers in world’s different research and invention programmes. Did you see a pattern? The same pattern repeats itself again and again. Just take any other example like UK, Japan, Russia or any other country that comes in the first world order’s list. The same pattern will be out there screaming out aloud
I will not get into the reasons behind our consistent lack in this field. But it is safe for me to conclude that scientific communities are the sole reason behind the success and lead in every field. To bring the radical change in our position right now we need scientist, innovative minds, inventors and engineers. We will need to harvest their talent to gain our previous glory. This is the only way, the only method and the only solution. I quote my councilor, “Beta we need scientist, specifically chemical scientists. I want you to become leaders, leaders in different fields!” Perhaps we can now understand the importance of these words and do something to pave a better scientific future of Pakistan.