LAHORE: World Hepatitis Day was observed by various medical organisations and hospitals with an aim to raise global awareness about hepatitis. In conjunction with its global alliance, Shalamar Hospital celebrated the day with full zeal and zest on Thursday.
A special medical camp was arranged in OPD-1 in which patients were facilitated by free checkup, free tests like Hepatitis screening. Additionally, special discounts were offered on LFTs, HBS Ag-Elisa, HCV-Elisa (30% off), after approval by a doctor. Moreover, free consultation and health awareness literature were also provided to the general public. Associate professors Dr Haroon Yousaf, Dr Moeed and Dr Iftikhar delivered lecture on Hepatitis, its causes, treatment and control options. They said that reuse of disposable syringes, transfusion of unscreened blood, use of infected equipment in medical facilities, sharing razor blades and contaminated water usages are the leading cause of hepatitis diseases.