For a moment let us have a look at the annals of history and find out what were the consequences when Little Boy and Fat Man were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the6th and 9th August, 1945 respectively. The ultimate consequence of these Uranium and Plutonium enriched atomic bombs was nothing more than a loss of precious lives and infrastructure with a grave impact on future generations.Besides, it is time tested reality that outcomes of war, in any form, are destruction and devastation. The intensity and severity of annihilation can be gauged from World War 1, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Gulf Wars and the War on Terror to name a few, which caused negative impact in terms of socio-economic and political structures.Moreover, these wars paved way for displacement and uprooting the basic necessities of survival. Current tensions between India and Pakistan are worsening with each passing day and leading into a quagmire.
At this critical juncture, let us understand the notion that initiating a war is easy but its end is difficult to measure in all forms, as stated by Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan. The miscalculations and misunderstandings which India is currently heading to may cause havoc and massive destruction. Indian media’s hype and warmongeringis exacerbating the efforts for peace between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.
It is crucial to understand that at this point both states have comparatively become advanced in terms of technological aspects to a certain degree. The negative projection of media through electronic channels and negative propagation through social media is creating uncertainty, fear and hatred amongst the masses.
At this moment, Indian media should apprise its public on Pakistan’s goodwill gesture for unconditionally releasing Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Abhinandan
A positive projection of the long over due peace process may help in reducing hostilities. At this moment, Indian media should apprise its public on Pakistan’s goodwill gesture for unconditionally releasing Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Abhinandan. Instead, a large section of unprofessional anchors and news reporters from multiple Indian media outlets are projecting this peace gesture of Pakistan as a sign of ‘weakness’. Essentially, they are amongst the biggest hurdles to peace in the region owing to their war-mongering tactics.
Currently, the Pakistani government and opposition are on the same page and every possible effort is being made to call the attention of international community towards the prevailing situation in the region. Furthermore, Pakistan’s efforts for promoting peace are being carried out on political and diplomatic fronts, which is a reflection of its maturity and longstanding desire. Whereas, the Modi-led government should understand the need of the hour and respond on a positive note.Placing aside self-interests, his government should look at the larger picture that could risk stability in the region.
It is high time that India understands the clear message by Pakistan for peace and replace hostility with friendship. Let us learn from past wars that resulted in nothing but misery. Let us build strong people-to-people connection and strengthen the bond for an integrated region. Let us fight against poverty, unemployment and illiteracy as mentioned by the leaderships.Last, but not the least, let us utilize our energies and potentials for the progression of this region.
The writer is Assistant Director (Research and Development) at HEC, Islamabad
Published in Daily Times, March 13th 2019.