The story of this new play revolves around the plight and sufferings of a brave girl, her battle against a powerful and corrupt opposition and the flawed justice system. Ramal was once an energetic and socially active person but suddenly she has become frightened and subdued. Her classmate Shayan, who is impressed by her personality and nature proposes to her and they are soon engaged. Following the engagement, Ramal seems to be slowly coming back to her routine life until one fateful day, their mutual friend Wajid attempts to kill her. Ramal is critically wounded and from here starts her plight and struggle not only against the perpetrator of a heinous crime and the justice system, but the society as well. Why did Wajid attempt to take Ramal’s life and was the reason behind her sudden change? Will Shayan stand by her side or will he succumb to his family pressure and break off the engagement? Published in Daily Times, March 12th 2019.