Kashmir, the region surrounded by Himalayas and Karakoram mountains is blessed with overloaded beauty and rich culture. Here are some of the amazing things in Kashmir culture:
Phiren and poots represent the most unique culture of Kashmir. Kashmiris love to wear this traditional dress. In summer season these phiren and poots are made of cotton and in winter these are made of wool. Kashmiris also uses pooch inside phiren to save from burns because of kangri and also to beat the cold r. Combination of phiren and kangri is the best way to survive in the freezing weather.
Kashmiri enjoys the beauty of winter. Kanger is beautiful part of Kashmiri culture; in winters Kashmiri use earthenware portable fire pots to fight off the freezing weather. Kangris are filled with burning coals and are placed inside the phiren. Without this winters are incomplete. These kangris are made across Kashmir region for centuries. Kashmiris have maintained this ancient tradition.
Bridal kangris are prepared containing different rows that are named; zezal (two chains), trezal (three chains) to sathzal (seven chains).
Besides kangri, the houses have fire places, and traditional wood burning stoves called bukhari. Near the bukhari people sit and chit chat with their family members and neighbors on cold snowy nights.
Samovar is also known as Kashmiri copper kettles that are an integral part of daily life in the valley. These are made of copper with a tin coating and fir container where charcoal is placed. These are used to serve traditional drinks like afternoon chai and kehwa; usually made with Kashmiri roses.
Kashmir culture is also exhibited in their handicraft industry. Kashmiri handicrafts are admired the world over for their uniqueness.
Handmade items like Kashmiri shawls woven with pure wool and embellished by exquisite embroidery, lovely hand-woven carpets, and walnut wood carvings are a few example of the valleys beautiful artwork.
Kashmiri also pass the harsh winter s by consuming “hokh-suen”, prepared by dried vegetables, dried fruits, dumaalo, combination of walnut and corn and smoked fish. Above all, Kashmiris are known for their tolerance and affection for each other.
Published in Daily Times, September 14th 2018.