Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma unveiled a new poster of her upcoming film with Varun?Dhawan, Sui Dhaaga, adding that the film will hit the screens on September 28. She took to Instagram to unveil it and wrote alongside, “4 hafte mein aa rahi hai #SuiDhaagaMadeInIndia! Aur kya kahein…. Sab Badhiya Hai 🙂 (It will release after 4 weeks #SuiDhaagaMadeInIndia! What more can I say… Everything is fine) Releasing on 28th September @varundvn @yrf @SuiDhaagaFilm #ManeeshSharma #SharatKatariya.”
The official trailer of the movie, which was released on August 12, has received over 27 million views.
Directed by Sharat Kataria and produced by Yash Raj Films, Sui Dhaaga will see Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan play an on-screen couple for the first time.
The film tells a heart-warming story of pride and self-reliance while taking forward the message of Made in India. Sui Dhaaga is about Mauji, who is initially an aimless labourer, and his wife Mamta played by Anushka. Mamta inspired Mauji to start a venture of his own and do a respectful job, which is when Mauji picks up his sewing machine. Together, the two of them start a small-scale business that sells handlooms.
Published in Daily Times, September 2nd 2018.