KARACHI: Two scam Rangers’ officers among seven other suspects arrested in the various raids carried out by the Sidh Rangers in different parts of the city on Monday. Planned operations were conducted on the collected intelligence and tips that helped divulge the whereabouts of a scam Major and an inspector who used counterfeit identities to extort business community in Liaquatabad area of Karachi District Central. In other intelligence-based operation, the Sindh Rangers arrested two wanted suspects involved in erstwhile gang-wars and targeted killings in parts of karachi while it also claimed to nab an alleged MQM-London sharp shooter it had been searching for. According to a Rangers spokesperson, the raids were conducted on intelligence collected by South to City Division of Rangers wherein, allegedly, Qasim Ali alias Kashif Baba of MQM London militant wing has been apprehended. “Rangers have initiated interrogation from the said suspect over various killings overseen and/or acknowledged by Qasim”, the spox added.