The upcoming Pakistani film, ‘Parwaaz Hai Junoon’, released its first official song video ‘Bhulleya’. Anticipation for this film has been high since the release of its official trailer. The trailer raised curtain on the soothing music of the film – providing a sneak preview of two of the film’s songs. Bhulleya is written by Shakeel Sohail and sung by Mustehsan Khan. Music is produced by Saad Sultan and the film marks the debut of Azaan Sami Khan as a music composer. The video of ‘Bhulleya’ is shot at beautiful and breathtaking locations and shows the film’s main leads Hania Amir, Ahad Raza Mir and other cadets training hard to achieve their destiny. Music of the song is upbeat and is all about the passion to live your dream. The cliff hanger at the end of the song is hard to miss when Ahad mocks Hania and suggests that she should try flying paper planes. We cannot wait to see how she responds to all the mockery thrown at her by Ahad. Produced under the banner of Momina and Duraid Films, ‘Parwaaz Hai Junoon’ is written by Farhat Ishtiaq and will mark the directorial debut of Haseeb Hasan. The film boasts a stellar cast including Hamza Ali Abbasi, Hania Amir, Ahad Raza Mir, Shaz Khan, Kubra Khan, Shafaat Ali Khan, Marina khan, Hina Bayat Khwaja, Asif Raza Mir, Saad Kazi and others. The film is all set to release worldwide under the banner of HUM Films on Eid-ul-Azha. Published in Daily Times, July 18th 2018.