Sridevi passed away on February 24, 2018, in Dubai, due to a case of accidental drowning. She left behind her two daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, along with producer-husband Boney Kapoor. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ A post shared by Sridevi Kapoor (@sridevi.kapoor) on Dec 10, 2016 at 11:55pm PST Without a doubt, the new year started off on a sad note for the whole of the Bollywood industry. The Kapoor family is still in a state of shock but is doing all their best to keep their ground. Now, as reported by a leading publication, Boney is planning to give the audiences a glimpse of his late wife’s life through a documentary. Reportedly, Boney is in talks with Shekhar Kapur to lead the idea of the documentary, the man who made Mr India. Florence with my best friend ❤️ A post shared by Sridevi Kapoor (@sridevi.kapoor) on Jan 13, 2017 at 2:22am PST “It will be a one-stop visual legacy on her life and cinema, with the rarest of rare footage and voices of everyone who mattered in her life,” revealed a source. The source further added that Boney is quite disturbed by the ongoing conspiracy theories regarding Sridevi’s death that are ruining the sanctity of his relationship with his late wife. Boney has stated that he shared a perfect marriage with her and keeps recalling all the fond memories that the couple shared together. 💗 A post shared by Sridevi Kapoor (@sridevi.kapoor) on Feb 26, 2017 at 10:30am PST Earlier, Boney penned a heartfelt tribute to Sridevi. He wrote: “Losing a friend, wife and mother of your two young daughters is a loss inexplicable in words. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family, friends, colleagues and well-wishers and all of you countless fans of my Sridevi who have stood by us like rocks. I am blessed to have the support and love of Arjun and Anshula, who have been such pillars of strength for myself, Khushi and Janhvi. Together, as a family, we have tried to face this unbearable loss.”