Mango production in Pakistan is currently in the crucial flowering and fruit-setting stage, with excellent blooming observed across all varieties. This season’s early and uniform flowering has raised hopes for a bumper mango crop, a promising development for growers and the industry at large. However, while the present outlook appears bright, the potential impact of climate change on fruit setting and yield remains uncertain, necessitating close monitoring of weather patterns and orchard conditions in the coming months.
In Punjab, Pakistan, mango is cultivated on approximately 99 thousand hectares, making it a vital fruit crop for local consumption and export markets. This year, major exportable mango varieties such as Sindhri, Chaunsa S.B., Chanab Gold, Sufaid Chaunsa, and Azeem Chaunsa are all exhibiting excellent flowering, which is a strong indicator of good fruit production. The high flowering intensity across these elite varieties suggests favourable environmental conditions and proper orchard management, which, if sustained, could significantly boost mango exports.
The importance of a healthy mango crop is underscored by last year’s experience when Pakistan earned $190 million in foreign revenue from mango exports, despite severe challenges. The 2024 mango season was heavily impacted by mango hopper extreme heat waves, prolonged rainy spells during harvest, and widespread black spots on late-season varieties, rendering much of the fruit unfit for export. This year, however, the situation is vastly different, with flowering patterns indicating a high-yielding season. If managed effectively, the 2025 mango harvest has the potential to surpass last year’s export revenue, reinforcing Pakistan’s position as a leading mango exporter in international markets.
The importance of a healthy mango crop is underscored by last year’s experience when Pakistan earned $190 million in foreign revenue from mango exports, despite severe challenges.
To further enhance flowering emergence, especially in trees where bud induction has already occurred, growers are advised to apply a 1.5 percent potassium nitrate spray. This practice has been found to encourage flower initiation and improve overall fruiting potential. Additionally, the health of the flowering panicles must be protected from potential threats, particularly inflorescence midge, a pest that can cause serious damage to developing flowers.
To monitor inflorescence midge attacks, growers should spread a transparent plastic sheet under the mango canopy or at least under a branch with the maximum number of flowering panicles, ensuring that the sheet is placed close to the soil surface. It is essential to create a small depression in the soil at the centre of the plastic sheet to facilitate the effective collection of midge maggots. Before laying the plastic sheet, remove weeds from the soil to improve visibility and efficiency.
After 2-3 days of monitoring, inspect the sheet carefully – if small yellow or pink-coloured maggots are found, it confirms the presence of mango inflorescence midge. To control mango plant infestations, an effective chemical spray should be applied. For soil infestations, immediate irrigation is the best control measure. However, if irrigation is not feasible, the alternative solutions include rotavating the field or removing soil cracks under the tree canopy to disrupt the midge’s lifecycle.
A major challenge during the flowering stage is mango malformation, a disorder that leads to excessive and abnormal growth of floral structures, severely impacting fruit development. If malformed panicles are not removed in time, they can reach an astonishing weight of 2-5 kg within a month, or even more under favourable conditions.
In practical terms, mango malformation can gain up to 150 grams per day, consuming an excessive amount of nutrients. To put this into perspective, the fastest-growing mango variety, Sindhri, gains only 7-8 grams per day, whereas a malformed panicle grows nearly 20 times faster. This rapid and aggressive growth diverts essential nutrients away from fruiting branches, ultimately leading to poor fruit sets, smaller mangoes, and reduced yield.
Beyond its nutrient-draining effect, mango malformation also creates a highly favourable environment for mango hoppers, one of the most devastating pests of mango crops. The dense, deformed floral structures provide an ideal shelter and breeding ground for these insects, allowing them to multiply rapidly and cause severe damage.
Last year, mango hoppers were responsible for an estimated 40 percent yield loss in several mango-growing regions. If left uncontrolled, hopper infestations can lead to significant flower drop, poor fruit set, and overall yield reduction. Therefore, timely removal of malformed panicles, along with an effective mango hopper control strategy, is crucial for ensuring a healthy crop and high-quality fruit production.
While the current season presents a hopeful scenario for mango growers, vigilance in orchard management, pest control, and climate monitoring will be crucial in determining the ultimate success of the crop. The early flowering trend is a positive sign for the industry, but continued agronomic interventions and adaptive strategies will be essential in ensuring that this potential translates into high-quality fruit, increased market supply, and higher export revenue.
The writer is Senior Scientist-Horticulture, Mango Research Institute, Multan.