The PTI on Thursday sought more time from the government to consult party founder Imran Khan on the final negotiation agenda, ahead of the third meeting scheduled for next week. The first meeting between committees representing the government and the opposition PTI took place on Dec 23, kicking off long-anticipated talks between the rival parties to defuse prevailing political tensions. A notification issued by the National Assembly (NA) Secretariat on Monday said that NA Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq would chair an in-camera meeting of the second round between the negotiating teams of the federal government and PTI on January 2. The meeting kicked off under the NA speaker’s oversight and was attended by Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Omar Ayub, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, PTI MNA Asad Qaiser, Sunni Ittehad Council chief Hamid Raza, Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen chief Senator Raja Nasir Abbas Jafri and PTI Secretary General Salman Akram Raja from the opposition. Meanwhile, the government side was represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui, PPP MNAs Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and Naveed Qamar, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs Rana Sanaullah, among others others. Addressing a press conference after the negotiations, the NA speaker said that during the previous meeting, it was decided that the PTI would present its demands. However, the PTI has requested additional time, citing the need for further consultation with Imran on a “conclusive list” of demands. “The hope is that we will have the third meeting next week,” he said. The NA speaker hailed the talks, saying they were held in “an even more cordial atmosphere than before”. In particular, he pointed out that CM Gandapur had given very commendable suggestions and advice and “poured out his heart”. “The most beautiful result of all this was that everyone decided to sit down and talk on Pakistan’s betterment, whether about the economy, terrorism or any other issue.” Reading out the joint statement, Senator Siddiqui said the opposition presented its point of view in detail and demanded the release of Imran and other PTI leaders and supporters, along with the formation of a judicial commission on the events of May 9, 2023, and November 26, 2024. He said the party also requested that it be allowed to meet Imran in Adiala Jail to consult him on the final charter of demands. He said that as per the PTI, Imran had given his permission to begin the talks and thus his instructions were necessary for their continuation. “The PTI said that the charter of demands will be presented in the next meeting in definitive written form.” Siddiqui said that FM Dar told the opposition the government had no issue with the PTI committee meeting Imran for consultation on demands.