Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has confirmed ongoing communication with the establishment, stating that no significant outcomes have emerged from these interactions. Gandapur, a member of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), made these remarks following a meeting with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan at Adiala Jail on Saturday. Speaking to the media, Gandapur said, “The government urges us to negotiate, but we assert that you are not even the government, so why should we negotiate with you?” He explained that, as chief minister, he holds an official position that necessitates contact with the establishment but admitted that these discussions had yet to yield any substantial progress. “When we engage with them, we will not forget our martyrs. We will acknowledge our mistakes and expect them to do the same,” he added. He highlighted perceived injustices against the party, mentioning, “Andleeb Abbas left the party and faced no imprisonment”. “Murad Raas was involved in 1,800 calls, leading to a campaign against him, yet he continues to appear on television.” When asked about the termination of Sher Afzal Marwat’s party membership, Gandapur acknowledged a relationship with Marwat and stated, “Notices were issued to him on the party chairman’s instructions. I advised him to tolerate criticism, even if it comes from our party’s social media. Internal matters will be resolved within the party.” Gandapur advocated for open avenues for reconciliation, saying, “I believe paths for return should not be closed. There is ample room for correction.” He further noted that he was unaware of any notification regarding Sher Afzal Marwat’s party status.