Lollywood diva Hania Aamir is taking a short break from her busy schedule as the iconic actress was spotted on London’s streets on her vacation. The Titli star is spending quality time with friends in a foreign country as she went for a much-needed vacation. The charming star shared her candid moments on Instagram where she enjoys a staggering 8.7 million followers. Aamir was seen enjoying her days in a chic denim skirt while also having a metro train ride. The Mere Humsafar famed diva spent her best days with family and friends in London’s Chinatown. She knows very well how to keep her fans updated and she rightly proved once again. Her fans and social media users were all praised for the Sang-e-Mah star as they dropped many welcoming comments. Aamir was recently seen in Parde Mein Rehne Do, Ishqiya, Dil Ruba, Mere Humsafar, Sang-e-Mah, and super-hit Mujhe Pyar Hua Tha.