A-list actor-producer Urwa Hocane takes a sly dig at backstabbers and said no to toxicity, in a viral lip-sync reel. Taking to her Instagram account earlier this week, Urwa Hocane posted a hilarious reel, taking shots at the toxic backstabbers in her life. “Haan, aap aik kaam karen, aap yahan se seedha jaen, bilkul seedha, or seedha bhaar mein chale jaen. Mur ke nae dekhna (Yes, you can go straight from here. Keep going straight, and go straight to hell. Don’t turn around),” mimicked the ‘Tich Button’ producer in the funny video, with a cryptic caption. “To all the people who backstab you a trillion times but you kept giving them a benefit of the doubt and all you did is grow and succeed, they underestimate your intelligence thinking you had no idea because you were silently watching with patience and then they come around a bit too late and say their most dramatic apologies to stick around because your grit is incomprehensible to them and they would like a gem like you close by,” Hocane noted. “Uh yes I am kind but no thanks to toxicity!” The reel was watched by thousands of users of the social site and a number of them, including the showbiz fraternity supported the celebrity for being brutally honest with her recent Instagram posts. Earlier, Hocane, who had been very picky with her drama choices of late, complained about the monotonous content on air, in a similar manner. “After reading three identical scripts with the exact same plot from different sources yet every production says, this one is going to get ratings,” she had divulged in the caption of a reel.