Secretary Higher Education Department, Javed Akhtar Mehmood announced on Friday that the Punjab government would soon introduce 30 new subjects at Intermediate and BS levels. He informed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other latest technology-based subjects were the world’s future and urged the youth to go for modern subjects instead of conventional combinations. He was addressing the annual sports prize distribution ceremony at Jubilee Hall of the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education (BISE) here. DPI Colleges, Dr Fareed Sharif, Chairman BISE, Hafiz Muhammad Qasim, Secretary Khurram Qureshi, Controller Examination Hamid Saeed Bhatti, , System Analyst, Qazi Mujeeb Ur Rehman and others were present. The secretary stated that hard work never goes wasted adding that Allah Almighty rewards it adding that it is ripe time for studies of students along with sports. Chairman BISE, Hafiz Qasim thanked the secretary for taking a keen interest in resolving the board’s issues. He stated that the SSC examination was conducted transparently owing to the special efforts of Secretary HED Secretary BISE, Khurram Qureshi presented a detailed report on sports activities under the board. He informed that with the financial help of BISE inter-schools and intercollegiate competitions were arranged from tehsil to Divisional levels. Qureshi shed light on the education and sports-friendly policies of Secretary HED. Later, trophies were disbursed among winners including Punjab College for first position, Central College for second and Govt College, Butewala for clinching third position.