Inspector General Police Punjab Aamir Zulfiqar Khan has issued orders to put security on high alert across the province in view of the recent incident of terrorism. IG Punjab directed that the security arrangements of sensitive and public places should be tightened in all districts including the provincial capital Lahore. IG Punjab directed the field officers of all districts to pay special attention to the security arrangements and directed RPOs and DPOs to further improve the security arrangements of important installations, places of worship, hospitals and parks in their concerned districts. Amir Zulfiqar Khan said that search, sweep and combing operations should be speeded up in all districts and the checking process at inter- provincial and inter-district check posts should be made more effective. IG Punjab directed that the Special Branch and CTD should beef up the intelligence-based operation and provide all possible support to the district police teams in defeating the criminals. Meanwhile, Inspector General Police Punjab Muhammad Amir Zulfiqar Khan has said that all the Christian employees serving in Punjab Police are valuable assets of the department who will not only be given the best environment and equal opportunities for professional development in the police service, but also all measures will be taken for their welfare. IG Punjab ordered the formation of a committee to take special measures for the welfare of minority employees. He said that I pay tribute to all the Christian employees of the Punjab Police who perform their duties with complete honesty, integrity and dedication. He said that foolproof security is being provided for Christmas programs and worship places across province. He expressed these views today while addressing a special ceremony in honor of Christian employees on the occasion of Christmas at the Central Police Office. IG Punjab Muhammad Amir Zulfiqar Khan cut Christmas cake and distributed Eidi among Christian employees. All the Christian employees serving in the Central Police Office participated in the ceremony decorated in their honour. The employees thanked IG Punjab for organizing the Christmas ceremony and presented him with a bouquet of flowers. Aamir Zulfiqar Khan said that as the Chief of Punjab Police, I wish Christmas to all the Christian employees. He said that Punjab Police is like a family and we all share in each other’s joys and sorrows equally. Additional IG Operations, DIG Establishment, DIG Operations Punjab, AIG Admin and other officers were also present on the occasion. It is noteworthy that ceremonies are being held in honor of Christian employees in all regions and districts of the province, in which Eid gifts are being given to Christian employees.