The Lahore Biennale Foundation inaugurated its second Public Arts Project, titled Rooted (Paivasta), on Friday. A public event was hosted outside the Quaid-e-Azam Library, Bagh-e-Jinnah, with Chief Guest Khawaja Ahmad Hassan. Curated and commissioned by the Lahore Biennale Foundation (LBF) and British Council Pakistan, with generous support from Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Lahore.
In December 2015, the LBF and British Council sent out an open call inviting creative individuals and collectives in Pakistan to consider, Bagh-e-Jinnah, through a critical lens, and submit proposals for an on-site, semi-permanent artistic intervention. The jury chose Lahore-based artists Unum Babar and Matt Kushan to work with the Glasgow-based creative studio Pidgin Perfect.
The project encourages the viewer to explore and personalise undiscovered spaces in the park, and find nooks within its rare and historic flora. South of the Quaid-e-Azam Library, an Islamic star inlaid into the ground acts as a marble compass – a map leading the way to seven such sites. The destination of each of the seven routes is a ‘Point of Contemplation’, marked by a marble seat sited to inspire introspection and solitude.
The event was hosted in collaboration with Olomopolo Media, a theatre and cultural organisation based in Lahore. They performed a mime, referencing the artist’s work and using the compass as a stage. At the event, temporary sculptures were also displayed – these sculptures reference the heritage links between Glasgow and Lahore and were created by the artists in workshops with Lahori school children at Sanjan Nagar High School, supported by Rabtt.