Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, alias Daughter of the East, soothes the hearts of the PPP’s ideologues but also shatters them as they remember the sufferings faced by the Iron Lady of Pakistan. She was born to the charismatic leader, Mr Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed, the greatest proponent of democracy of his era. BB was groomed by […]
The Ground Reality
I recently saw a clip of Mr Khawaja Saad Rafiq delivering a speech in the National Assembly of Pakistan. While the speech might have been old, that he delivered a very mature, powerful speech is still pertinent to today’s political discussion. During his speech, he mentioned that if the Marshal Law of Zia ul Haq […]
The Grand Agenda: Focus on Soft Infrastructure
The Pakistani nation should have a greater and more meaningful say in deciding the future of the country as it is the biggest stakeholder. The country is an amazing market for expanding current businesses with enormous potential for budding entrepreneurs. We need to focus on and revolutionise policy-making towards two main sectors, hard and soft […]
Changing Role of Media
The role of media is very important in today’s global village. In my childhood, newspapers used to be the only medium of publishing news of political activity, especially in the times of General Zia ul Haq’s martial law. Beat reporters, news reporters, desks in-charge, editors and many people working in the newspapers were highly important […]
Reorganisation of Political Parties
A while ago, I watched a video clip of Mr Khawaja Saad Rafiq being interviewed by Mr Hamid Mir in which they discussed how political parties and their leadership have to think about the workers of their parties. It can be arguably said that this statement was said by him due to being disappointed for […]
The Grand Agenda
There are different kinds of systems to run the country. Democracy is a type of government in which all citizens have equal rights, opportunities and equal say in creating and carrying out laws for their country and be a part of the system. Many dictionaries have explained that the word “democracy” comes from the Greek […]
Elections in Pakistan (Part III)
The 2013 elections were part of the plan, which was facilitated by the decision-makers, to bring Mr Nawaz Sharif back in the government supported by Saudi Arabia and other foreign forces. This was a part of the plan that no political movement will destabilise Mr Sharif’s government. But the internal national forces had to intervene […]
Elections in Pakistan – II
After the resignation of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1993, the caretaker government of Mr Moeen Qureshi as prime minister supervised the new elections in Pakistan. As a result, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto came to power once again but her government could not complete the full term. This election was different […]
Elections in Pakistan (Part 1)
A few days earlier, I heard former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi say on media that all elections in Pakistan were bogus. Many are wondering what led him to give such a bold statement. Since the day he had become prime minister, he has always carried out himself in a simple, straight yet bold manner; […]
The Grand Agenda — Rethinking Public Policy
There is a strong progressive relationship between public policy and governance. Public policy is the strategy of the bigger plan and governance is the action of that plan in the shape of implementation. Public policy is the method by which governments transform their political vision into strategic programs and seek ways of implementation for the […]