Why clutch at every drifting straw? on May 15, 2011The fact that the prime ministers of Pakistan and India got an opportunity to have an ‘unstructured’ exchange of views at Mohali is in itself a good thing. The so-called ‘cricket diplomacy’ that facilitated this exchange was admittedly also a positive development. But the moot question remains: do we really need to go overboard over […]
After Osama on May 3, 2011The world’s most wanted man for almost a decade, Osama bin Laden, led the Americans on a wild goose chase only to have them locate and kill him in Pakistan. And not just any odd place in Pakistan but in Abbottabad, a garrison town — his hideout located a mere mile or so away from […]
Living in nuclear make-believe on May 2, 2011Time and again, some personality or the other from one of our ‘friendly’ states in the west makes a loaded statement concerning the security of Pakistan’s nuclear assets. Why they have to do this defies the imagination. Maybe it is meant to keep Pakistan’s strategic planners on their toes. Or, perhaps, to send a signal […]