Public sector Colleges in the age of AI on August 21, 2024Recently, a huge hype was detected in the higher education department on the issue of low admissions in the public sector colleges from Associate to Graduate levels in comparison to the private sector college which have been reported to enrol long lists of students. The efforts of HED are laudable but while fixing unrealistic targets […]
Universities and Empowered Socioeconomic Future on June 29, 2024Regardless of the multiple nature of the issues the universities face, their main function is to serve the people by providing a forum for discussion and debate to formulate wholesome policies for its people’s moral, social, and political uplift. Besides, the universities are expected to develop a genuine creation of new knowledge via research and […]
Unpacking Intolerance in Pakistan on June 1, 2024Pakistan is a tiny part of the globe and is undergoing multivariate issues caused because of intolerance. Be it any official group or a combination of individuals, all have been found resorting to violence without any dialogue or argument that could be employed to solve the issue. The only solution in or at the hands […]
Population, Street Crimes and Skill-Based Education on April 16, 2024Pakistan has been facing population-related issues for a long time but in the 21st century, this extraordinarily burgeoning population is giving birth to street crimes burgeoning with an equal and alarming situation. It is further aggravated because of an equal number of increases in the number of beggars on the streets who are mostly suspected […]
Shifting Paradigms of Education on February 14, 2024As a developing economy, Pakistan is now grappling with new challenges and emerging trends with a plethora of new types of jobs and consequently eliminating many of the traditional ways of earning bread and profits. Leaving aside a few traditional jobs in agriculture and industry, all is about to revolutionize itself and unfortunately, we are […]
Tapping the Pakistani Folklore on January 10, 2024Pakistan is a rich tapestry of folk tales, songs, and stories with historical background and tradition and inherits diverse cultural and traditional values. Most of these tales are regional and represent a floral colour of the region and its history and culture. The stories feature mythical creatures, moral lessons, and local heroes that include Punjabi […]
Making of Empowered Learner on November 29, 2023One of the basic aims of educating the young is to empower them to meet the future challenges posed by this post-global and post-media age. But at least in Pakistan, this realization is a far-off dream because a large number of educational institutions, at all levels, are running and imparting education in a conventional style […]
From Assemblers to Manufacturers on August 5, 2023The long-lasting turmoil jolt to the Pakistani economy teaches several lessons and brings forth multiple reasons for its occurrence. One of these is that the Pakistani economy since its inception has been a consumer economy which gradually led to diverting our gaze to readily available materials for our consumption which capitalist economies furnished even by […]
Books Must Survive on July 21, 2023Recently, it has been seen that the production and writing of books have undergone a gradual decline and there has been a significant increase in the writing of research papers and articles. Book writing decline is one of the major reasons for the decline of readership in our country and hence is the decline in […]
Democratizing Media for Public Good on July 6, 2023As the hackneyed phrase, “Media is the fourth pillar of a state or government,” mass media is expected to play a concrete and vital role in guarding the public benefit, which requires a free press and independent media (within the constitutional parameters and ethical bindings); otherwise, it would fail to bring the fruit of democracy […]