Among the films that are expected to begin shooting next month is the Abhishek Bachchan-starrer The Big Bull. The makers intend to take all the necessary precautions. “We are considering a location where the entire crew will be stationed during the shoot rather than go back home every day,” said producer Anand Pandit. Last year, the unit had shot in Delhi. “We have to finish the last bits,” adds Pandit. Directed by Kookie Gulati, the fim is based on the securities’ scam of the ’90s. Bachchan will be seen playing the central role in the movie which is reportedly based around the life of Indian stockbroker Harshad Mehta. The story will narrate real-life events of the Indian financial market between 1990 and 2000. In February, the actor had shared the first look of the film. While putting out the new poster of the movie on Instagram, the 44-year shared the news of the release date in his caption. “#TheBigBull releases on 23rd October!! Stay Tuned,” the caption read. In the new poster of the movie, Abhishek is sporting in a fitted suit, giving an intense look as he poses for the camera. Abhishek Bachchan had previously also shared the film’s poster and written: “The Big Bull – an unreal story. Now filming! [sic]”. Produced by Ajay Devgn Films, The Big Bull is based on India’s biggest securities scams of 1992 and also features Ileana D’Cruz. Apart from The Big Bull, Junior Bachchan will also be seen in Ludo and Bob Biswas.