Showbiz starlet Saheefa Jabbar Khattak came out in support of fellow actor Amar Khan, against the trolls brigade debating over the latter’s forehead. Amar Khan’s looks and particularly her forehead, became a topic of discussion, after a recent transition video of her, flaunting a gelled-back half-ponytail look went viral on social media – a subject that her friend and fellow actor Saheefa Jabbar does not approve of. In a series of Instagram stories, the ‘Bhool’ actor strongly raised her voice against trivial debate in the comments section of a social media post by a local publication and slammed the keyboard warriors with a focus set more on Khan’s forehead than her other artistic achievements. “It’s unbelievable that my friend and colleague’s appearance is making headlines, not her craft, not her impressive achievements, but her looks. What a nation we are, progressing so much, right?” she expressed, resharing the post, with the headline, “Public is talking about Amar Khan’s forehead.” Amar Khan “has dedicated years to studying her craft and has achieved everything through sheer hard work,” Jabbar furthered. “She writes, directs and acts, yet none of this is considered ‘news.’ But her forehead? That’s what they focus on.” The actor’s outrage was not limited to the social users, but she continued to call out the publication, for giving hype to the trivial discussion. “As much as the comment sections are filled with illiteracy and ignorance, publishing houses and media portals are no better. They should be more discerning about what they choose to report as news. There’s absolutely no need to add fuel to the fire,” she added. However, unlike her colleague, the ‘Baddua’ actor wasn’t really affected by the troll brigade and responded to Jabbar saying, “Saheefa I have absolutely no counter argument or reaction to this. Well craft and achievements are also a news but not a spicier one.” “It’s only my work that shall speak and that has been speaking in my favour always,” Khan concluded.