A-list actor Dur-e-Fishan Saleem has revealed that she was supposed to star in a film as her debut project, which didn’t work out as planned. In one of her tell-alls with a digital magazine, actor Dur-e-Fishan Saleem got candid about her first serial, upcoming projects as well as big screen debut. “My debut was supposed to be from a film which I could not play because of women objectification,” said the ‘Jaisay Aapki Marzi’ actor. “I didn’t do it but the project happened with another actor and I was thankful to God that I opted out,” she added, without naming the title. “My only concern whenever I’ll do a film will be, to do what I am comfortable in. And it’s not about singing and dancing, I love to sing and dance, in fact, I am a trained Kathak dancer, but at the same time, I want to represent our society. Like if 20, 30 years down the lane, someone is playing my film and saying terms that I wouldn’t like,” Saleem explained. “So if we start having such movies, I’ll definitely work in it, but right now, my focused medium is drama.” She also divulged that she had signed two more silver screen projects, one of which she stepped back due to creative differences. Further recalling her debut serial, the actor said it was fairly easier for her to sign her first project. She shared, “Initially, I flew to Karachi to give my auditions because my father was very persistent over the fact that I should give auditions and follow a process. So Kashif Mehmood, a very amazing actor, is a very dear friend of my father. He took the responsibility to send me to all the major production houses in Karachi for auditions in a week and then I went back to Lahore and I started getting offers.” The actor, who made her TV debut with a supporting role, revealed, “I was offered a main lead as well, but it was me who decided that I would rather do a supporting character in my debut rather than a main character in a soap and stick with it for 100 or 200 days.” Notably, Dur-e-Fishan Saleem is one of the leading female stars of the industry at the moment with her consistently stellar performances and also enjoys a massive fan following in the digital sphere. On the acting front, Saleem last swept acclaim for her performance in the blockbuster drama serial ‘Jaisay Aapki Marzi’, co-starring A-list actor Mikaal Zulfiqar.