Bollywood A-lister Saif Ali Khan, who was hospitalized in Mumbai, India, on Monday, shared a health update after undergoing surgery. As reported by Indian media outlets, Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, who was hospitalised in the Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai, on Monday, after suffering an injury on the sets of his upcoming film ‘Devara’, underwent tricep surgery. According to the details, he sustained a hand injury while filming for Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Rangoon’ in 2017, which was further aggravated during a recent action sequence in ‘Devara’ and had to undergo surgery. In a statement to the media after the surgery, Khan said, “This injury and the surgery that followed is a part of the wear and tear of what we do. I am very happy to be in such amazing surgical hands and thank all well-wishers for their love and concern.” Further speaking exclusively to a local media outlet in the country, the ‘Adipurush’ actor said, “It was my tricep that needed looking into. It was painful for a very long time, sometimes more sometimes less, and at other times it caused unbearable pain I didn’t really know how serious the injury was.” “Then the bandwidth of the pain increased. It hurt if I did anything strenuous. So I thought it best to get an MRI done. Because it was hurting even when I was holidaying with my family for the New Year. It was then that we discovered that the tricep’s tendon was torn very badly, barely holding in place like a rubber band which can snap at any moment. Fortunately, some self-preservatory instinct in me got this looked at, even though they only realized how bad it was when they opened it up,” he explained. “I have a month off. It was a timely surgery. If it hadn’t been done we would have lost something or the other in the arm. It was surgery that was needed. But it isn’t that serious. I will be home in one more day. I am fine now,” the actor confirmed. ‘Devara: Part 1’, the first of the two-part film series, written and directed by celebrated South Indian filmmaker Koratala Siva, stars NT Rama Rao aka Jr NTR in the titular role along with Khan, Janhvi Kapoor and Prakash Raj.