Dancing sensation Nora Fatehi is very specialised in terms of engaging her fans through her scintillating content on the Internet. Being an avid social media user, the “Naach Meri Rani” star dropped the latest series of pictures on her Instagram handle. She is seen wearing a classy red outfit to leave her fans dazzling. In the photos, the Moroccan diva is seen wearing minimal make-up to complement her looks. The way she flashes her smile by posing strikingly takes the clicks to the next level. Fans penned their sentiment in the comments section in no time and went on to share plenty of penning statements and emoticons to lavish praise on the starlet. One of the fans complimented Nora by dropping floral emoticons. Nora Fatehi had always fulfilled the expectations of her fans by amassing over 45.7 million followers on Instagram.