Actor and fitness trainer Sam Asghari, the estranged husband of pop icon Britney Spears reportedly became jobless after filing for divorce. A foreign news agency reported that the actor and fitness trainer is a Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) lab union member who went on strike over dispute with production houses. Sam Asghari had juist finished work on his comedy film “Grand Death Lotto” weeks before the first strike began. He also worked in the show “Special Ops: Lioness,” but its red carpet got shelved. An insider told the news outlet that “Sam is still looking for his big break.” However, his spokesperson did not respond to the report. Sam Asghari had announced his marriage with Britney Spears’ was over and he was filing for divorce last week. He added that they would “hold onto the love” they have, but that they were going their separate ways. “After six years of love and commitment to each other my wife and I have decided to end our journey together,” the Iranian-born model wrote on Instagram. “We will hold onto the love and respect we have for each other and I wish her the best always,” the 29-year-old added. “Asking for privacy seems ridiculous so I will just ask for everyone including media to be kind and thoughtful.” Court documents lodged in Los Angeles show Asghari cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for ending the marriage.