A sit-in continues in Quetta after the deadly blast on the morning of Friday April 12th. I am still wondering what is wrong where, after the news went on air, we listened to the number of dead and injured and then life moved on as usual. It just leads me to think of the incident […]
Defining feminism
Another international day for women has been celebrated with pomp and show in huge gatherings with commitments from the speakers to ensure human rights for women. This year, we had the usual two ingredients. This included speakers who would talk about equality and opportunities for women. All of a sudden the famous verse from Allama […]
Culture, religion and gender equality
Gender equality is simply defined as equality in access to opportunity, political, social and economic spheres for all genders. For instance the Constitution of Pakistan in its article 8 to 29 ensures equality, however, if gender equality in a society is to be measured it is measured by the representation of men and women in […]
Lets define harassment
Harassment is a global problem and is not only affecting women but men as well. In Pakistan, the Workplace harassment Act 2010 is one of the many legislative measures that have been taken to protect the rights of women along with men, and to encourage them to opt for the job of their choice in […]
Critical thinking A long way to go
Defining Critical thinking in simplest words is that critical thinking at any point is about asking questions – and the right questions – to make judgments and come to conclusions. Its hould lead to creativity and innovation. While talking about the skills required for critical thinking as per various researches it includes being reflective and […]
Human rights education for a vision
As per world report 2018 by Human Rights Watch, women, religious minorities,children and transgender faced violent attack,and discrimination throughout the year.A recent report by HRCP declares the same dismal situation of human rights in Pakistan with restrictions on freedom of expression, freedom of movement misused continuation of blasphemy law and harassment against different segments of […]
Let’s redefine violence
November 25, was celebrated as the day for the elimination of violence against women. Media and social media specifically kept on talking about it, kept insisting that the gender based violence isn’t acceptable at all at any cost. Activities in progress by state departments and civil society organizations start off with the launch of sixteen […]
Let coexistence be the vision
“We needed a separate place to live according to Islam, that’s why we made Pakistan and Qadianis in their hearts do not believe in the completion of Prophet hood, that is why they should be called non-Muslims.” These were the comments of two university students, discussing the issues of equal citizenry in Pakistan and religious […]
Marginalising the marginalised
It was back in October 2017, when some of the well known universities in Punjab had issued certain directives for female students regarding their attire dresses, conduct on the campus. Male students were prohibited from sitting in the areas reserved for females no mingling even in the cafeteria etc. The story still continues. I believe […]
Eradicating child marriage
Child marriage is not only an important social problem in Pakistan but it exists in many other countries as a serious social issue. Pakistan ranks number six with the highest number of absolute child marriages numbering around 1,090,900 in the year 2017, with India on number one with 15,509,000. The list provided in UNICEF’s report […]