Role of Pakistan Army in State Integrity on August 10, 2024The strength and sovereignty of Pakistan have always been closely linked to its brave and committed army. For decades, the Pakistan Army has stood as a shield, protecting the nation from external threats and ensuring internal stability. The current Chief of Army Staff (General Syed AsimMunir) represents the values of honor, duty, and dedication that […]
OPEN COURTS & KACHERI By PUNJAB POLICE on June 15, 2024In many parts of the world, citizens often face difficulties in accessing justice and administrative services. The bureaucratic processes can be tough, and the distance between the people and the authorities can feel vast. In Punjab, Pakistan, however, the government is keen to bridge this gap. In this province, the people have always been at […]
RELATIONSHIP WITH CENTRAL ASIAN COUNTRIES on April 9, 2024Pakistan’s relations with Central Asian countries hold an important place in the region’s geopolitical landscape. They have a long history together, sharing culture, trade, and lots of other stuff. They are important to each other, especially because they are neighbors to Afghanistan, which is also Pakistan’s neighbor. They work together to solve problems like fighting […]
FIRST LADY CHIEF MINISTER OF PUNJAB on March 19, 2024Over the past few decades, Pakistan has been facing some tough times. The economy of the country has not been doing well, with prices going up, not enough jobs, and the value of money going down. Politics has also been unstable, with leaders changing often and arguments between political parties causing a lot of confusion. […]
Importance of Social Security in Pakistan on January 23, 2024In Pakistan, social security is a measure taken by the government to maintain an individual or family income when some or all sources of income are finished. The benefits associated with social security include providing cash, medical bills, domestic help during illness, legal aid, or funeral expenses. Social security plays a crucial role in providing […]
NECESSITY OF FAVOURABLE POLICIES OF FBR For PAKISTAN on January 10, 2024The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) of Pakistan is a government-affiliated institution that is responsible for administering taxes and assignments related to customs. The chairman of FBR (Mr. Malik Amjed Zubair Tiwana) connects with all the ministries and departments of finance before reporting to the Prime Minister (Mr. Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar) and the president (Dr. Arif […]
LABOR RIGHTS IN PAKISTAN on December 20, 2023Labor rights are the backbone of a just society, ensuring the fair and ethical treatment of individuals in the workforce. They encompass fundamental principles such as reasonable wages, safe working conditions, the right to collective bargaining, and protection against discrimination and exploitation. Upholding these rights is vital as they guarantee workers’ dignity, safety, and well-being. […]
Urban growth and role of Metropolitan Corporation on August 19, 2023 Urban planning is a process of elaborating solutions that aim to enhance an existing area and create new urbanization in a given region. It deals with the processes of production, structuring and appropriation of cities. It is done to ensure what measures should be taken to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants, […]
Higher education and super institution in Pakistan on July 18, 2023Education is a process of advancing learning and acquiring knowledge, values, and virtue. It contributes to the development of better people and society around the globe. It is more of an enduring method in which people gain information, skills, and ethics. A narrow line runs between learning and education, as we learn from everything we […]