While nuclear energy is widely associated with nuclear weapons and the attendant devastation, it has variegated beneficial uses as well. Contrary to the common belief, the very presence of nuclear weapons among nations is the guarantee of peace. Nuclear energy has also proven immensely beneficial across sectors like energy, medicine, and agriculture Since world war […]
Global warming and climate challenges
The modern world is dealing with terrorism, war, and natural disasters. Of these the most debated but least attended concern is that of global warming. Global warming as suggested by evidence has led to rising temperatures and sea levels and as a consequence, natural disasters, extreme weather events and health problems are also occurring at […]
Global warming and climate challenges
The modern world faces some grimmest issues such as terrorism, war, and natural disasters. Of them, one of the most debated but least attended is global warming. Evidence suggests that rise in temperatures, varying precipitation and rise in sea levels are a solid manifestation of the problem. What engenders it are factors like green house […]