For umpteen years, the National College of Arts (NCA) has been recording history through various art forms and opens the degree show for public on its Final Thesis Display. Each year the heterogeneity of students’ artwork and concept mushrooms more than the previous one as it offers its viewer a landscape that is balanced by […]
Visual artist Irfan Gul Dahri brings out his imagination through Perceptions
On December 26, 2018, the most resolute seven characters succeeded in absconding from the imagination of visual artist Irfan Gul Dahri to seek refuge amidst the four walls of O Art Space Gallery. Regardless of being bizarre in appearance, the exhibition fascinates its viewers as it serves to be a perfect blend of what we […]
Revisiting history with a new perspective
“Things are what they are, and whatever will be will be.” Luckily, I happen to meet the coolest ‘100 year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared’, and thanks to Jonas Jonasson. Imagine, you get to meet a man who since his youth had been an expert in dynamite explosions and because […]
The importance of grandchildren and grandparents’ bonding — Part II
It wasn’t until I read Ashfaq Saheb’s ‘Zaviya’ that I realised one should preserve the stories of grandparents for they are the keepers of family stories, history and heritage. They are a living bridge between the past and the future of a family. Their profound connection with the generations before and after them gives them […]
The importance of grandchildren and grandparents’ bonding — Part I
“If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.” – Italian proverb Are you kidding me? We do have know-it-all Google to tell us anything and everything. But hey! Wait a second, can Google tell you the names of your grandparents? Or can it tell about your grandparents’ biography? Or anything about the tree whose fruit […]
How to create your very own ‘Happiness Project’
“I knew Happiness was right here, right now – as in the haunting play The Blue Bird, where two children spend a year searching the world for the Bluebird of Happiness, only to find the bird waiting for them when they finally return home.” (Gretchen Rubin) Many of the greatest minds (like Russell, Schopenhauer, Plato, […]
Respecting the dignity of people with Down syndrome
It really intrigues me the way people look at Down Syndrome in our society. It’s similar to the scene from Circus, where so called ‘normal beings’ gather as enthralled viewers to please their eyes and feed their ‘self-esteem’ by mocking that ‘victim’ who stands there unaware of all that is happening around. It’s crystal clear […]
‘The Diary of a Social Butterfly’ — social commentary wrapped in humour
Do you know Lyall.-Grant’s father founded Lyallpur? Janoo asked me on the way to the party. “Really?” I said, twisting the rearview mirror to my side to check my Channel ki new Rouge Noir Lipstick. “When did it get lost?” After a really long time, I got to read a book (by a Pakistani author) […]
Let’s not forget our roots
We all, at one point of our lives or the other, experience the existence of some fathomless questions who like Casper the ghost roam in the mansion of our unconscious. Same was with me until I happen to find the book, ‘Lahore’ which provided a way to the very question that was lingering upon my […]
‘Crazy Rich Asians’ — an insight into the lives of Singaporean elite
Mom it seems that everyone here is rich. I think I’m still in a bit of a culture shock, or maybe it’s cash shock. The way these people spend money – the houses and the planes and the dozens of maids – you need to see it with your own eyes. It’s as if the […]