More than two decades ago, the U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright termed American presence and role in regional and global scenarios as “Indispensable”. However, the global community is prone to use the term “Incompetent” instead of “Indispensable” after the steps which had been taken up during the Trump reign under the aegis of his […]
Cyber crime and prevention of electronic crimes bill
Cybercrime is also known as a computer-oriented crime in which a network or computer is used for illegal activities. Cybercrime has become a wide term in the ongoing technological era where technological innovations have shaken the tectonic plates of every sphere in the world. Cyber-crime committers use their skills for “bringing down websites, stealing data, […]
Peter Singer and reforming UNO
The killing of more than 40 million people in World War I, with $200 war cost, failure of the League of Nations, and loss of more than 80 million people in World War 2 – that was about 3% of the total population of 1940 – whetted the appetite of the international community to set […]
Child Labour Laws and Pakistan’s International Commitments
Unfortunately, not even a single day goes without at least one case (reported or unreported) of child abuse, rape, murder, kidnapping, torturing, or becoming a victim of marital disputes and enmity. Even children’s rights are infringed by forced labour; forcing them to work in a hazardous environment and their employment as minors watching because of […]
Infringements of women’s rights
There is much yet to expose regarding the violence against women because we contemplate and examine according to the violence cases against women which are veiled and exposed. But the reality is that there are more uncountable cases than the exposed about the infringement of women’s rights which are still unveiled. The rights of women […]
UNSC, human rights and underprivileged youngsters
The Resolution No.2250 was adopted by the United Nations Security Council at its 7573rd meeting on December 9, 2015. It covers approximately every dimension and perspective regarding empowerment, health, education, social grooming, finance, and everything that can be contemplated for the betterment of the young generation. That is a comprehensive and historical legal instrument in […]
António Guterres’ seven points
On April 24, UN Secretary-General António Guterres proposed the seven-point blueprint for positive change regarding violation of human rights in the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights are collectively known as […]
Social constructionism and women empowerment
Pakistan has been on the crossroads of its social, political and economic destiny since day one. It remains trapped in the quagmire of economic stagnation, crumbling public faith in state institutions, a deplorable situation of law and order, political tumult, sex-based violence, low participation of women in political and economic sphere,illiteracy, quota system, sexual apartheid, […]
Social constructionism and women empowerment
Pakistan has been on the crossroads of its social, political and economic destiny since the day. It remains trapped in the quagmire of economic stagnation, crumbling public faith on state institutions, deplorable situation of law and order, political tumult, sex-based violence, low participation of women in political and economic sphere, illiteracy, quota system, sexual apartheid, […]
Human Rights; gap between theory and practice
Certain rights that cannot be violated at all or in any condition by any country or government are termed as non-derogable rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights are also known as natural rights, primary rights, fundamental rights, and basic rights in different legal instruments of the world. Under these terms, protection […]