LAHORE: The trial to select Pakistan’snational bridge team will be held at Lahore Gymkhana from October 23rd to 26th . The selected team will represent Pakistan at the 21st Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle East Championship (BFAME) to be held in December 2021. Six teams, comprising consummate,astute and skillful bridge players from all over the bridge playing centers of the country, will come together and connect at Lahore Gymkhana under strict corona SOPs.Subsequent to the trials, the top team will earn the honour of representing Pakistan at the BFAME Championship. BFAME is a zonal council of bridge playing countries that includes Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Kuwait, Plaestine, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria,U AE and Pakistan. In case victory is attained at BFAME, the winning team will earn the right to travel to Italy for the Bermuda Bowl Bridge Championship. The trials will be supervised by Ihsan Qadir.