Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi Wednesday said that Pakistan desired to further strengthen bilateral ties with the United Kingdom in economic, trade and political spheres. He said Pakistan and UK enjoyed deep rooted and multi-dimensional ties. The foreign minister was talking to Member of British Parliament of Pakistani origin Lord Wajid Khan who called on him. They discussed Pak-UK bilateral ties and other issues of mutual interests. The foreign minister said that he had apprised his British counterpart about the evolving situation in Afghanistan, grave human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the dangers posed to region. During his visit to UK, he also held special meetings with heads of foreign relations and defence committees of UK parliament, he added. Qureshi also appreciated the role of British parliamentarians of Pakistani origin for effectively highlighting the Kashmir issue in their parliament. Lord Wajid Khan also lauded foreign minister’s visit to UK and also commended the foreign minister’s efforts for removing Pakistan from the red list. Meanwhile, Minister for Foreign Affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi Wednesday called for enhancing bilateral trade and economic ties between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan through economic diplomacy. The foreign minister, in a meeting with Pakistan’s Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Sardar Azhar Tariq Khan, said both the countries enjoyed cordial ties. The ambassador apprised the foreign minister of the steps taken by the embassy during last two years for promotion of bilateral ties as well as performance of the embassy. The foreign minister said a huge number of Pakistani students were studying in Kyrgyzstan. He reiterated that the welfare of Pakistani diaspora was among government’s priorities. The ambassador thanked the foreign minister for the special instructions and assured him of putting in all-out efforts to strengthen bilateral relationship.