ISLAMABAD: Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Khan Suri Sunday expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of precious human lives in the blast that took place near Mastung Road this morning. In a message, the Deputy Speaker strongly condemned the blast and directed the concerned officials to provide all possible medical facilities to those injured in the blast.“Anti-national elements are trying to sabotage the peace of Balochistan, however, they will not succeed in their nefarious aims,” Qasim Khan Suri said. He said that the elements involved in the blast are enemies of humanity and will be dealt with iron fists. He also directed the law enforcement agencies to arrest the people involved in the blast and punish them severely according to the law. Expressing heartfelt sympathies to the affected families, the Deputy Speaker prayed to Allah Almighty for the elevation of ranks of those martyred in the blast.“May Allah grant speedy recovery to the injured and patience to the bereaved to bear this irreparable loss”, Deputy Speaker said.