LAHORE: Performances by Ajoka Theatre have won hearts of thousands in India in the first Hamsaya Theatre Festival 2015 in Chandigarh. Ajoka spokesperson, Qasim Ali, noted that the five-day theatre extravaganza had created a significant buzz in Chandigarh and had appealed to audience, especially those from the pre-partition generations, who revived their memories about Lahore and the sub-continent. Ali further informed Daily Times that the first Hamsaya Theatre festival of 2015 is proving to be a huge success. Tagore Hall of Chandigarh has a capacity of 900 seats, however, it becomes fully occupied before the start of the play and the Ajoka team also gets standing ovations at the end of their performance. People are admiring both the theme and the messages of the plays and are in love with the artistic perfection of the artists. Ajoka team is also being appreciated by many theatre lovers and veterans in India. “It appears that the space, which was created due to the absence of Panjpani Theatre Festival has (been) effectively filled by the Hamsaya Theatre Festival,” he added. It was further said that various dignities like Chandigarh Mayor, Sood, Chandigarh SSP, Sukhchain Singh and Chandigarh Arts Council Chair, Bibi Harjinder Kaur, also came to see the plays and admired the Ajoka’s performance. The Indian press is also appraising the festival through its excellent coverage and particularly cathy headlines to festival productions. This annual festival is being held in a collaboration with the Chandigarh Arts Council, Punjab, Sangeet Natak Academy and various groups, which include Manch Rang Manch and Adakar Manch. Team Ajoka presented five plays in the festival, which include Dara, Kaun Hai Yeh Gustakh, Lo Phir Basant Aaie, Kabhira Khara Bazaar Main and Anhi Mai da Sufna. All plays have been said to carry exciting themes as well as soulful poetry and music, which have, indeed, spell bounded the audience. Shahid Nadeem, who is heading team Ajoka in India, also said that despite the prevailing tension between the two countries, this festival has broken the silence. Bhagat Kabir and Dara Shikwoh’s messages of peace and love are winning the hearts and this theatre collaboration has, hence, diffused the tension to some extent. He further hoped that that the peace process will continue through theatre in the future, as well.