Participants at a day long moot on Wednesday express displeasure over knowing that Pakistan is behind Indian and Bangladesh in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and suggested the government for affective measures to achieve the desired results.
Pakistan is at number 122 out of 157 countries in achieving SDGs while India and Bangladesh are 116 out of 157 and 120 out of 157 respectively. Though Bangladesh got independence too late as compared to Pakistan but they have achieved great success in achieving SDGs. The participants suggested that Pakistan should follow the Bangladesh model to keep the country right track. Rahnuma, Family Planning Association of Pakistan arranged the moot here in a private hotel.
The speakers said that SDGs could not be achieved without active participation of youth and stressed for special approach to achieve the desired goals. In this regard they said controlling high population growth was necessary. They also asked for creation of awareness among the people. They expressed displeasures that usually polices were made in Pakistan but never implemented, which result wastage of time and resources.
Taji Wali Khan from federal health ministry told the participants the government would establish National and Provincial Action Plan to address the issues pertaining to not achieving SDGs. He said the National Action Plan would be establish within few days.