Like any other country from a region surrounded and marred with conflicts and instability, Uzbekistan has faced the similar challenges of Human trafficking, drugs and narcotics epidemic. The regional dynamics has caused these war infected issues on the rise and making the states of the region to take the strong actions at all levels. As a result of the proximity to Afghanistan, the risk has been increased manifold for Uzbekistan and other neighboring countries including Pakistan. Men, women and children from this region are forced to live in inhuman, exploitative and forced conditions through deception causing them to lose their lives, dignity and honor in faraway lands. According to the latest report by the United Nations Organization for Drugs and Crimes that out of every five victims of human trafficking are children while women and men are being used for as sex slaves and related drugs business. According to an estimate, human trafficking groups make $3 billion a year as business out of this and there are 140,000 victims that are trapped in situation of violence, sex slavery, bonded labor and prostitution only in Europe and this number has increased manifold in the Asia Pacific countries.
The country has improved its regional standing as well including peaceful coexistence with neighbors and playing its due role in regional conflict resolution efforts. Being the center of the Central Asia’s heart and center of political, economic and strategic gravity, the leadership in Tashkent is visionary and dynamic
Keeping in view the challenges, the incumbent government of Uzbekistan has taken all the preventive measures and ensure to put forward the standards to eliminate the trafficking. These measures also include not only following the international protocols and standards but also reforming the policies and strict measures at the domestic level hence meeting the requirements and helping to eradicate the menace at the best possible levels from the country. These efforts were not only recognized by the regional countries but also across the globe. For instance, at the domestic level, the government has embarked on reforming the legal and judicial system that is meant to provide the justice and help eradicate the sense of prevention and combating crimes including courting trafficking of persons and eradicating the use of the forced labors. When we talk about the labor, we must also remember that due to the large sector of the Cotton production in Uzbekistan, the government has also made substantial steps in order to help prevent the exploitation of the laborers working related to the cotton industry in the country. This has given an immense amount of support to those connected with the industry with more ownership on the rise hence a thriving economy. The state of Uzbekistan has taken measures to eradicate and prevent the child labor in the agriculture work. This is an innovative step since the large-scale development and introduction of innovation in the agriculture industry including the use of the large-scale new machinery in the fields, the result has remained magnanimous. The thriving civil society in the country apart from the NGOs and INGOs, the engagement and protection of the rights of the labor has remained intact.
At the state levels, several important state laws and preventive mechanisms has been emplaced including in the 2008 the law was passed “On Countering Human Trafficking” and later on the same year by the decree of the president of the country “Measures to improve the efficiency of fighting against human trafficking” was adopted. Even before this law, at the time of independence of Uzbekistan almost 28 years ago, the executive orders and president decrees were promogulated to curb the menace of drugs and crimes across the borders. The law in 2008 has given new meaning to the efforts of the country. Being the guiding force, the law in 2008 hence given the guidance to establish National Interagency Commission as a body having all stakeholders part of the commission so that a comprehensive and joint action might be taken. Quite recently, in July 2019, the President of Uzbekistan though the decree signed some additional steps to combat the issue of drug and human trafficking. That was also considered as historic and symbolic as at the same day United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution to designate the 30 July as World Day against the Trafficking in persons. Uzbekistan as a responsible regional and global actor has also not only cooperated but also taken several important initiatives at the regional organization but also at the global level as well. The decree was also meant to support and further consolidate the efforts of Uzbekistan to further the global and regional efforts in combating trafficking of all forms. Apart from these efforts Uzbekistan has also adopted an Action Strategy 2017-2021 and State program on comprehensive measure to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking 2016-2020 as two leading steps encompassing all the efforts of the government. Along with these efforts, the President of Uzbekistan has also established the new office of the National Special Rapporteur on the Trafficking of persons and forced labor as well. The role of the Rapporteur will be to present to the office of the President reports related to the current situation in the country and about the global efforts related to the combating of trafficking. Regular media briefings, awareness campaigns are some of the consolidated efforts that the office of the Special Rapporteur will act.
Here it is necessary to share about the region role of Uzbekistan in combating efforts of the drug and human trafficking. Uzbekistan being the important member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also follow the protocols and treaties related to the drug and human trafficking. Uzbekistan has also worked closely with the International Labor organization and United Nations Organization for Drug and Crimes through the SCO platform in sharing of the experience and expertise to have comprehensive regional efforts. . All these organizations have not only supported Uzbekistan’s role but also appreciated the efforts made by the state of Uzbekistan in eradicating this menace from its soil. The government has also introduced the use of technology as well to combat this in order to enhance reporting and preventive measures. Quiet recently the country has also made comprehensive research and study on this issue in order to take calculated steps for desired results. As a regional issue, SCO has made the special efforts in this regard wherein collaboration with UNODC and other important agencies has remained under the discussion. SCO as an organization has also contributed substantially in the promotion of the Paris Pact Initiative as well which deals with the issues related to the drug trafficking which is also linked to human smuggling as well. Uzbekistan has implemented its comprehensive strategy by fool proof border controls, regulations and opening of the additional crossing points with strict checking points with the neighboring countries, prevention of the drug abuse at the domestic level and cooperation with the regional organization like SCO, CIS, CARICC and international organization including UNODC, ILO and several others dealing with the combating of the illicit trafficking of all kinds. In the global alliance of fight against the drugs abuse, human trafficking and other challenges to the world, Uzbekistan has remained the forerunner.
The incumbent government of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has steered the nations to the progress, peace and prosperity. The country has witnessed a transformation of its global standing in terms of the economic progress, trade, human rights and other important global indicators. The country has improved its regional standing as well including peaceful coexistence with neighbors and playing its due role in regional conflict resolution efforts. Being the center of the Central Asia’s heart and center of political, economic and strategic gravity, the leadership in Tashkent is visionary and dynamic. With support to the peace process in Afghanistan to resolving the disputes among countries related to the drug and human trafficking, Uzbekistan has been playing a key regional role. Since the inception of the incumbent government, Uzbekistan has become more open with improved record of human rights, free and fair open media with access to the open internet, respect for public opinion through reforms, thriving democracy, fast paced economy and improved stability and security of the country are some of the great steps that have been taken by the government. This has also created sense of hope, belonging and satisfaction among the citizens of the country to remain committed to not to become victims in the hands of the criminals. The Uzbekistan has not only on the pace towards reforms but also a new dawn of change and development has emerged making the country witnessing the prosperity that has never seen before in the past several decades. As Uzbekistan as a country is playing its role in eradicating such challenging issues, we as a global community must also play our constructive role in order to make this world a better and peaceful place for our future generations.
The writer is Director, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies