James Cameron, renowned director of the Hollywood, congratulated Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios for Avengers: Endgame outperforming his 1997 blockbuster Titanic. In a tweet, the Oscar-winning director congratulated Feige and the Marvel family for surpassing the record. pic.twitter.com/zfICH1XDCJ — James Cameron (@JimCameron) May 9, 2019 “An iceberg sank the real Titanic. It took the Avengers to sink my Titanic,” Cameron tweeted, sharing an image of the Avengers capsizing a ship. “Everyone here at Lightstorm Entertainment salutes your amazing achievement. You’ve shown that the movie industry is not only alive and well, it’s bigger than ever,” he added. Endgame earned $2.19 billion worldwide, becoming the biggest box-office movie in less than two weeks to become the number 2 film of all time. It also got a 96% rating on the Rotten Tomatoes website. However, Avengers has been unable to really challenge Cameron as the uncrowned king of Hollywood; his 2009 film Avatar remains the biggest movie ever with $2.78 billion worldwide.