Defining Critical thinking in simplest words is that critical thinking at any point is about asking questions – and the right questions – to make judgments and come to conclusions. Its hould lead to creativity and innovation. While talking about the skills required for critical thinking as per various researches it includes being reflective and analytical ,which enables one to break the information into parts and discover the nature and relationships of different components; ,then application to certain standards and judging according to established rules; discrimination/filtration of information and most importantly seeking logical reasoning followed by predicting the ultimate results and finally transforming knowledge .Critical thinking is always beneficial individually and collectively as it makes the learner independent and self-reliant with high achievements plus with a better evaluation of risks and benefits involved in certain situations and scenarios. These skills are assumed primarily to be impacted by the system of education along with the culture, environment etc. Let’s see where do we stand when it comes to critical thinking.
It’s just like being in a roller coaster if you follow social media on regular basis particularly Twitter, Facebook and the popping up notifications on your android phones and desktops. All of a sudden a trend emerges on social media engulfing all. It’s kind of something irresistible for us and in a short span of time the media( specially social media ) is a flooded with , blames, judgments, conclusions drawn with reference to one’s own bit of knowledge, the parallel trends ,retweets ,sharing on Facebook, WatsApp groups and so on .
In the recent past, one of the most emphasized right is the freedom of expression as heard in a workshop by young students. I was wondering, visualizing in the current scenario what type of freedom of expression is further expected as a lot is happening in the name of freedom of expression on social media, even the highly abusive language, but still we come across the notion of freedom of expression. What are the reasons for being so rampant when it comes to social media?
I believe that critical thinking is directly linked to freedom of expression and freedom of expression can be productive and controlled with critical thinking.But for that, we have to go along way
Though Pakistan is adiverse country culturally however certain norms and values are similar in all cultures. to its mostly-patriarchal set up with the dominance of male and then the elders In certain situations. It’s taken as something out of manners if you respond to an adult as youngsters are not supposed to argue and counter argue with elders, a colleague just shared that his younger brother informed him that he was engaged and the celebration he was a part of was actually his engagement. As a result, many questions many unsaid things keep piling up into our conscience and stay as the irritants. The networking which is considered to be an asset in recent times becomes a horror with quick multiplication of messages without the slightest thought being given to the consequences .
Inmadrasas the story is a little tougher a minimal space for thinking rather than critical thinking. The teacher enjoys the highest respect and questioning may put his respect and knowledge at stake, so the learner can’t dare ask anything as everything shared by the mentor is religiously right. A very little room for thinking is available. Irritants, confusions piling up further. Private schools do encourage questioning to a certain extent however the teaching resource is the product of the traditional system and more questioning is at times disliked.
I believe that critical thinking is directly linked to freedom of expression and freedom of expression can be productive and controlled with critical thinking. But for that, we have to go along way.
Let’s understand what do we actually mean by freedom of expression and how it can be connected to critical thinking It shouldn’t mean humiliation and transfer of flawed information. Furthermore, this freedom must be utilized and strongly connected with the aforementioned critical thinking skills, without getting carried away with the social media storms, which ultimately lead to embarrassments and apologies as very less of these word wars is base on correct information. Our human resource engaged in teaching must first be trained on what critical thinking is and how these skills are to be incorporated in their lesson plans. Once they have the clarity, of course, it will trickle down to the learners. A humongous task is to take the teaching faculties of religious seminaries on board as the closed box situation is more severe in these institutions. Questioning has never been prohibited even if we look at it from a religious point of view. We had multiple questions in our childhood but wouldn’t dare to ask.
Irritants and protests, come out without a single thought being devoted to the consequences.
The writer has experience in the field of education and is currently working as a resource person in the development sector
Published in Daily Times, January 9th 2019.