The term neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) covers the groups of communicable diseases include dengue fever, leishmaniasis, leprosy, buruli ulcer, rabies, scabies, etc. which exerted substantial burden in developing countries especially among poor population with drastically inadequate health services. According to a WHO report, there are more than one billion affected people with neglected diseases worldwide in about 149 countries. The European Parliament recognized that in the Millennium Development Goals the topic of neglected diseases has got little attention. The NTDs increase colossal burden to the healthcare systems and ultimately to already constrained economy of the developing countries. The major factors for the prevalence of neglected diseases in developing countries are poor sanitation, lack of awareness programs, inadequate preventive measures and limited health facilities etc. The formation of small dirty ponds formation, sewerage system leakages, etc. further lead to the emergence of infectious parasites including dangerous bacterial and many other harmful microbial species to cause different NTDs. In developed countries, the wide spread awareness programs, necessary preventive measures, adequate healthcare facilities eradicate the onset and spreading of communicable infectious diseases. The induction of public awareness programs on regular basis could certainly play significant role in controlling NTDs to cut down the economic burden in developing counties. The basic health units (BHUs) serve as preliminary health care facility to treat patients from a local community. The establishment of BHUs with necessary facilities and qualified staff are certainly benefitting the remote areas to diagnose and handle various diseases especially communicable NTDs. In the case of disease severity, the patient can be referred in time to nearby hospital for better cure The poor sanitation and drainage systems cause stagnant water pools, which are major contributors to provide endure environment for the growth of various microbial species, ultimately causing NTDs. The issue of neglected tropical diseases is almost erased in developed countries, however, in poor communities worldwide the NTDs problem still exit and need serious attention from the world leading forums. Malaria, though not formally considered as neglected disease, however being a life threatening infectious disease imposes challenges in diagnosis and new drug development. Quinine group has been used as antimalarial drug since early 20th century. However, with the emergence of drug resistance issues, artemether has been discovered as new antimalarial drug. The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou received Nobel prize in 2015 for this scientific contribution. The advanced or developed countries have overcome such issues by improving sanitation, sewerage drainage, and enhancing public awareness programs along with antimalarial drugs to put malaria in the list of neglected diseases. The NTDs issue requires serious attention at government level as it causes mortalities, permanent disabilities and deformities among poor communities. The non-availability of safe drinking water also contributes in the prevalence of various common infectious diseases. Though many efforts from various international forums have been put forward to provide basic necessities to maintain a healthy human life which include proper draining systems, availability of clean drink water and basic health unit facility especially for the people living the remote areas. The basic health units (BHUs) serve as preliminary health care facility to treat patients from a local community. The establishment of BHUs with necessary facilities and qualified staff are certainly benefitting the remote areas to diagnose and handle various diseases especially communicable NTDs. In the case of disease severity, the patient can be referred in time to nearby hospital for better cure. The BHUs facility in our country has been established at union council by provide basic healthcare services to reduce the burden of diseases. However, to expand BHUs effectiveness and working capacity, there is dire need to introduce numerous infrastructural reforms at government level to benefit communities especially in remote and extremely poor areas. Moreover, the research institute in the developing countries should play active role to find new therapeutic agents to melt down the issue of various neglected tropical diseases. Overall, the NTDs issue, especially in developing and low income countries, can be addressed through various aspects including public awareness programs, better sanitation and draining systems, availability of safe drinking water and improving basic healthcare facilities. The writer can be reached at Published in Daily Times, October 23rd 2018.