Neglected tropical diseases: an issue on October 23, 2018The term neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) covers the groups of communicable diseases include dengue fever, leishmaniasis, leprosy, buruli ulcer, rabies, scabies, etc. which exerted substantial burden in developing countries especially among poor population with drastically inadequate health services. According to a WHO report, there are more than one billion affected people with neglected diseases worldwide […]
Secrets of life on May 15, 2018“We have discovered the secret of life” were historic words of the noble laureate Francis Crick when he elucidated the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure with his co-worker James Watson. The discovery of DNA structure opened up new avenues of research in the area of biology, medicine and many others. DNA- also termed as the molecule […]
Higher education: a paradigm shift in Pakistan on February 11, 2018Higher education is a benchmark to produce quality human resources for national capacity building. It delivers worthy professionals to serve in various domains such as humanities, sciences, engineering etc. In this modern era, a focus on higher education sector builds flagship national capacity and set future direction of a country. Ron Lewis, a renowned American […]
Re-evaluation: A backward step to move forward on August 9, 2017Re-evaluation is a vital aspect of life that redirects us to accomplish our tasks, and achieve our goals in the hindsight of past and present experiences. Re-evaluation is a stage where you assess yourself critically to find logical solutions to problems. You attempt to identify your faults that are a source of upheaval in triumphing […]
Science and Politics preventive measures on March 21, 2017“Prevention is better than cure,” said Desiderius Erasmus, a famous Dutch scholar. This quote passes through our ears quite often. However, the question at this point is: do we really understand the spirit of this famous quotation? Preventive measures ensure taking essential steps well ahead of time to avoid seriousand/orcritical issues. Preventive measures have unique […]
Science and politics positive attitude: a way to success on December 23, 2016A positive attitude is one of the vital components for success in any walk of life. Helen Keller, a renowned American author and political activist, famously said: “keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow.” Positivity, self-confidence and optimism are imperative to face and overcome challenges of life. DNA, the molecule […]