Re-evaluation is a vital aspect of life that redirects us to accomplish our tasks, and achieve our goals in the hindsight of past and present experiences. Re-evaluation is a stage where you assess yourself critically to find logical solutions to problems. You attempt to identify your faults that are a source of upheaval in triumphing your goals. A famous writer Sunday Adelaja said, “We overemphasize supernatural powers when we are supposed to be doing re-evaluation of ourselves”. The necessity to re-evaluate our failures against a particular objective/task provides new pathway towards great success. In scientific perspective, re-evaluation of previously reported work enables scientific community to open new avenues for upcoming contributors to do wonders for the benefit of mankind. Alexander Fleming made magnificent contributions in the development of Penicillin – a wonder drug of 20th century. Initial work on Penicillin reported by Fleming in 1929, was re-evaluated after many years by a group of scientists led by Prof. Howard Florey. This work was vital to bring Penicillin as a drug in the market. This successful story has set a remarkable example of achieving the goals by continuously re-evaluating the work. The true spirit of re-evaluation aims to rectify past mistakes and make progress in life. More precisely, it is an affirmative step towards progressive approach. In this context, I would like to discuss some important aspects of our lives, specifically related to students. Sometimes students get frustrated and catastrophic with their exam results, they even claim that they worked hard and deserved better scores. At this stage, there is a need for students to do realistic re-evaluation of their study patterns to find those loopholes which set them back Re-evaluation offers an opportunity to mend your ways towards achieving life’s goals. In this modern era, the induction of smart phones and gadgets has revolutionized the world and provided access to unlimited information and entertainment. However, regardless of all its benefits, the modern gadgets affect the student’s way of studies. Students during their study times get engaged with abortive activities like internet surfacing, stuck with social media sites etc. and do not pay serious attention to their study that brings devastating results. Internet usage without any doubt is a useful way of getting information about any topic. However, during internet surfing, the results are obtained from multiple links and it is very likely to get distracted and lose focus, which leads to weak outcomes with valuable time wasted. Besides these factors, there are many other related aspects which obstruct students in their studies. Setbacks or unhappy moments come in everyone’s life, however, the important thing is how to react and deal with such matters? Though such undesired events cause a temporary pause in our life, but at the same time they also provide an opportunity to objectively evaluate our ways. Thus, a realistic re-evaluation in a positive and constructed way will not only point out our weaknesses but will also show new roadmap to achieve the targeted goals. Along with the above discussion, re-evaluation of existing educational system and induction of new reforms in the system will ultimately facilitate students in their education. In our country, we see different types of educational systems such as O/A-Level, national curricula, and many more. Parents and students are both confused as to which system they should follow to shape their careers. Educationists of both systems claim their system to be more superior to the other in shaping the student’s careers for diverse opportunities. Thus there is a dire need to re-evaluate the existing systems and to develop a single educational system, which will fulfill our student’s need to compete at national and international level. The curriculum should be coherent with our society, culture and religion, and also competitive with the modern world Parent’s role in the educational career of their children is extremely important. In this modern and competitive era, parents are so busy in their rotuines that they pay little attention to children’s educational matters. Sometimes, the over facilitation of children by parents is an additional factor which hampers the child’s educational career. Parents adopt expensive schooling systems, manage extra coaching classes, facilitate children with internet and provide every possible means to build their educational career. However, they put diminutive check and balance to evaluate their children’s education performance at different levels. Therefore, it is imperative for parents to re-evaluate key issues in order to enable their children to face the modern day challenges. In our political corridor, re-evaluation and modification of existing policies at different level can potentially be beneficial for our society in a much better way. Altogether, re-evaluation of any system, though may cause a short pause to look back, but at the same time will also provide a way to move forward to accomplish set goals.