Nothing on social media goes unnoticed, especially for celebrities across the world and particularly in Pakistan who face criticism for violating the so-called cultural and societal norms, but the positive side seldom gets appreciation from the netizens. Recently, Pakistani heart-throb actor Mawra Hocane came under hot water for wearing a swimsuit for surfing on a beach in Hawaii. The Sabaat actor had a perfect summer vacation on the Pacific Ocean island as she shared on her official Instagram account. “I’ve got WINGS to fly HAWAI’I surfer girl,” the actor captioned the Instagram post that contained several images and videos from the beach day. Mawra wore a blue and green swimsuit in accordance with the occasion and though it wasn’t revealing as such, netizens found her dressing inappropriate. What drew the attention of some users in her comments section was the leggings that she wore under the swimming costume.