Actor Nazish Jahangir issued a rebuttal after a fake screenshot of one of her Instagram posts went viral about Pakistan cricket team captain Babar Azam. The actor faced the fury of Babar Azam’s fans after declining a supposed proposal to marry the star batter. Later, a screenshot went viral in which Nazish Jahangir allegedly came down hard on those trolling her for refusing to marry the Pakistan skipper. Sharing the fabricated screenshot, she said that she did not post such a statement regarding the trolls and it was not in her upbringing. “It’s sad how these barbarians show their true colours or defame not just me, but also our Babar Azam. They are screaming for respect for him, I can only feel pity for them,” said the actor. She has since switched her account to private from public and is not accessible. According to Jahangir, the trolling and abuse did not mattered to her, however, she said, “I’m only saying this because I don’t want to say any nonsense because there’s a lot of difference between your calibre and mine so go on.” Earlier, the actor termed all national cricketers her ‘bros’ after her previous statement about Babar Azam angered the fans of the star player.