The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Wednesday confirmed the interim bail of 12 accused involved in attacking the house of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader Rana Sanaullah in Faisalabad, during May-9 riots. The court confirmed the interim bail of the accused including Younas, Muhammad Ishaq, Luqman, Haider, Waqas Amin, Malik Sharafat, Faisal, Malik Umar Nawaz, Kashif and Nadeem, on completion of arguments by the parties. The two-member bench, headed by Justice Ali Baqar Najafi, heard the pre-arrest bail petitions filed by the accused. During the proceedings, a prosecutor argued that the accused not only attacked Rana Sanaullah’s house but also attacked police vehicles and personnel on May-9. He requested the court to dismiss the interim bail granted to the accused as strong evidence was available against them. However, the defence counsel submitted that the case was registered on May-9 but the accused were nominated on May 12. He submitted that the police did not have any evidence against his clients and pleaded with the court to confirm their interim bail. He also mentioned that the trial court had dismissed pre-arrest bail of his clients on February 20.