Renowned filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy engaged in a compelling dialogue on women’s empowerment with designer Diane von Fürstenberg at the World Economic Forum.
Their session, titled ‘Wrapped in Leadership,’ highlighted the duo’s commitment to utilising their platforms for championing women’s causes.
Fürstenberg introduced Obaid-Chinoy as a “brave and serious film producer,” emphasizing their shared dedication to advocacy.
Obaid-Chinoy, CEO of SOC Films, revealed the completion of a documentary on Fürstenberg’s life, set for release on Disney+ overseas and Hulu in the US.
Expressing admiration for Fürstenberg’s courage, Obaid-Chinoy stressed the significance of women from diverse backgrounds fighting to be heard in challenging times. Sharing insights from her work, Obaid-Chinoy discussed challenging misogyny and stereotypes, acknowledging the backlash faced.
She urged women to carve out space for themselves and draw strength from those who’ve triumphed over adversity. Fürstenberg echoed the theme of resilience, citing the inspirational journey of activist Nadia Mourad.
Reflecting on legacy, Obaid-Chinoy contemplated whether she’d be remembered for accolades or ground-breaking directorship. Fürstenberg suggested the possibility of being the first director-president. Both emphasised the responsibility of ensuring the doors they opened welcome many to follow.