Actor and radio jockey Navin Waqar listed the red flags to look for in a relationship. On a recent podcast with a digital magazine, actor Navin Waqar spoke at length about her personal life, divorce as well as current relationship status. Speaking about marriage and the societal pressure around it, particularly on girls, she said, “Marriage is a serious business. It’s about two people living together for the rest of their lives,” and opined that young-age marriages don’t work out usually because the decisions between spouses lack maturity. Upon being asked to list down the specific red flags in a romantic relationship, Waqar replied, “Respect I think is the first thing to look for. If a person, a man does not respect you, in the way he talks to you and addresses or treats you, I think that is the biggest red flag.” When interrupted by the host asking if the same goes for women, she added, “Absolutely. It can also be a woman in a relationship. It goes for both men and women, if they are mistreating you, then that is the biggest red flag because I believe that no relationship in this world can survive without respect. If you cannot respect a person, you cannot love them.” The ‘Bewafa’ actor continued, “Trust comes next. If a person breaks your trust, giving them a second chance must depend on how sorry the person is. If a person is showing you who they are, believe them the first time.” Pertinent to note that Waqar was previously married to actor-director Azfar Ali, from 2012 to 2015.